Dec 24, 2017 jQuery('#cropbox').Jcrop({ onChange: showPreview, onSelect: showPreview, aspectRatio: 1 });. How can I destroy JCrop so I can replace te
Jcrop 是一个功能强大的 jQuery 图像裁剪插件,结合后端程序(例如:PHP)可以快速的实现图片裁剪的功能。 版本: jQuery v1.5.1+ jQuery Jcrop v0.9.12 github 在线实例 实例预览 jQuery Jcrop 图像裁剪插件 Hello World 基础示例 实例预览 jQuery Jcrop 图像裁剪插件 Basi
今天给大家介绍一下一个web 中经常会用到的截图(如:头像等)工具:Jcrop项目结构:效果图:这个很有用:看到这些,大家也想自己试试吧=====
禁用 Jcrop。说明:已有选框不会被清除。 enable() 启用 Jcrop: destroy() 移除 Jcrop: tellSelect() 获取选框的值(实际尺寸)。例子:console.log(jcrop_api.tellSelect()) tellScaled() 获取选框的值(界面尺寸)。例子:console.log(jcrop_api.tellScaled()) getBounds() 获取图片实际尺寸,格式为
Jan 26, 2017 NET MVC; Entity Framework 6; Razor view engine; JCrop /*Destroy jcrop initialization other wise it will hold it previous image in img tag*/. Feb 15, 2017 Anywhere there is an element referenced in an asynchronous callback in a component, you should check if the component has been destroyed
Thus far, I haven’t worked out why. Sebastian Nov 7, 2013 at 12:44 am we're using jcrop library cropping profile picture. when user changes profile picture, new picture still uses old image dimensions. works in chrome doesn't work in firefox.
But I'm enabling JCrop in a different manner,more like Example 3 : jQuery('#cropbox').Jcrop({ onChange: showPreview, onSelect: showPreview, aspectRatio: 1 }); How can I destroy JCrop so I can replace te Image? Is there another way to do this?
Cameron Villas Halfway House. Try a different word (a synonym of 9 Juli 2019 - 70MBNOTE: Joomla 3.9.9 included a bug that could destroy data in some cases. Installatron's upgrade #6214 fixed JCrop in Template Manager Jcrop.min.css modules/backend/assets/vendor/jcrop/css/jquery. Jcrop.js +1699 -0; sweet-alert-animations.less sortable is destroyed.
Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. It combines the ease-of-use of a typical jQuery plugin with a powerful cross-platform DHTML cropping engine that is faithful to familiar desktop graphics applications. For more …
crop_api.setImage(imagestring,function(j){jcrop_api.setOptions({ onChange: updatePreview, onSelect: updatePreview }); bounds = jcrop_api.getBounds(); The second time jcrop is initialized, jcrop’s callback function isn’t called, regardless of whether we use settimeout to delay it or not.
Is there another way to do this? I Could easily reload the page each time the user changes de color of the image but we all know that's not cool. Source. All Answers Michael L Watson #1.
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function bytesToSize(bytes) { var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB']; if (bytes == 0) return 'n/a'; var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))); return You can prevent cut, copy and paste in your input type textboxe's or in textarea's by using jquery code very easily. Below is the jquery code:-$(document).on('cut copy paste', '.controlClass', function (e) hi friends I want to show an image after clicking on upload image is it possible to do this I have this code but it is not working properly when I click upload image I have a javascript function which I am calling from the onChange event of the file selection box. function cropper(){} When I am trying to call this function from the onchange event of the file selection it is not working. I am calling it like & I have the following javascriptdocumentreadyfunction convert bytes into friendly format function bytesToSizebytes then you can get access to the api and destroy Jcrop via: JcropAPI = $('#imgThumbnailer').data('Jcrop'); JcropAPI.destroy(); It's probably too late for the asker but hopefully this is helpful to someone who stumbles upon this page from google! I'm am allowing multiple image uploads and because of that I need to destroy the handle on jcrop for a new image to appear in the image panes.
Below is the jquery code:-$(document).on('cut copy paste', '.controlClass', function (e)
hi friends I want to show an image after clicking on upload image is it possible to do this I have this code but it is not working properly when I click upload image
I have a javascript function which I am calling from the onChange event of the file selection box. function cropper(){} When I am trying to call this function from the onchange event of the file selection it is not working.
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En effet, c'était des tas utile pour moi. Merci pour le partage! Ce qui m'a empêché de tirer mes cheveux. Merci pour ce peu. En particulier, il semble y avoir une certaine interaction avec jQuery UI Dialog qui signifie que ce chemin est le chemin à parcourir, même maintenant, la version est jusqu'à 0.9.10.
But what if I use "destroy" jCrop ? jCrop.initialized will be still set on "true" right? – user3261158 Feb 10 '15 at 14:11 Yeah, of course. You have to set it to false after calling the destroy. Open JCrop on an image Replace the image source in the DOM via JavaScript with an image of a different size Call destroy() Open JCrop on the updated image What is the expected MOVED FROM GOOGLE CODE What steps will reproduce the problem?
The second time jcrop is initialized, jcrop’s callback function isn’t called, regardless of whether we use settimeout to delay it or not. Thus far, I haven’t worked out why. Sebastian Nov 7, 2013 at 12:44 am
X px. Y px. Width px. Height px.
// if need destroy jcrop or its created dom element here $ ( '#image_prev' ) .